Monday, September 30, 2019

Advertisement Essay Essay

Anywhere a person looks; there will always be some form of advertisement. Billboards, posters, fliers, and other forms of media are visible almost everywhere. Advertising is a mass communication in the world today, and has been around since 1841. Whether people agree with it or not, it’s not going anywhere. Advertisements are essentially everywhere. No one can go anywhere without seeing at least one advertisement. They’re placed on radios, TVs, magazines and even billboards. Advertisers pay media companies to place their ads in such places and therefore the media companies make money off their ads. Advertiser’s main purpose is to influence the consumer to buy their product. They may lie about the product to make it sound better so more people would want to buy it. It can mislead the consumers to believe that any given product can make them popular, or beautiful. I don’t necessarily like advertisements, but I don’t like them either. Advertisements are everywhere, and it’s your choice to read and believe them or not read and not believe them. I agree, they are misleading but how else would people know about a new product or new improved or additions? Advertising exerts a large impact on us, bringing about good and bad consequences in people’s life. An example would be, if you were looking through the summer edition of a magazine and you see a Hollister advertisement on a page and the models are in bathing suits, in which they are all fairly skinny. If you were a little meatier than them you would probably think to yourself â€Å"I wish I was that skinny.† Or â€Å"I wish I looked like that.† That’s the bad consequence about advertising. There’s a huge impact on teens while looking through their favorite magazine or even watching TV. Another reason I feel advertising isn’t the best is, it can mislead the consumer into wasting money on something that either doesnâ₠¬â„¢t work or will end up breaking. The good side to advertising is it can let people know about free clinics, blood drives, and events coming up in the area. Of course, it’s not going to tell you everything about the event or clinic because an advertisement is  something brief about it, and they’re trying to get you to be interested about it. Some companies sponsor charity events or sport events to advertise with blimps, airplane signs; on-screen ads and even t-shirts in exchange for free advertising. If you were to think about every ad you’ve read, there really isn’t a limit to it. They really don’t care how vulgar or misinterpreting it could be, they’re getting paid for it so whatever they have to do to get your attention, they will. Advertisement should have a limit of what they can put on ads.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

What is the impact of the Lord of the Rings on New Zealand’s Tourism industry?

Introduction During a more relaxed PBL session in a prior module, the tutor presented a safety instructional video from Air New Zealand to the group. In this video the actors were all dressed up as figures from the famous Lord of the Rings movies. Ever since, the author of this proposal confronted himself with the question how exactly New Zealand's tourism industry is influenced by the aforementioned phenomenon. There already has been quite some research on the movie induced tourism of New Zealand. However, whether it brings lasting economy growth to New Zealand's tourism industry, is an issue barely covered.Thus, this assignment will attempt to answer the question: What is the impact of the Lord of the Rings on New Zealand's Tourism industry from the release in 2001 till the year 2016? First, the paper will begin with defining what film induced tourism is and why it is an option for New Zealand's tourism industry. This is done to create a basic understanding of the subject. After th at the question will be answered how â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† is used for marketing purposes and the degree of dependency on this marketing form.In return that will lead to the third item of this paper, the customer satisfaction level of movie tourists. This is also relevant for evaluating the efficiency of the marketing efforts. Lastly the impact of movie-induced tourism on New Zealand's economy will be discussed. That is necessary to predict future developments and the fortitude of the impact on industry. Body Before the impacts of film-induced tourism on New Zealand can be discussed, an understanding of what Film-induced tourism is and why it exists has to be  provided.The origins of the modern tourism form lie in the late 18th century. Ever since the eras of romanticism and storm and stress, fictional stories and characters influenced the being and desires of its consumers. As common knowledge, the novel â€Å"The Sorrows of Young Werther†, for instance, resu lted in a phenomenon referred to as â€Å"Werther-fever† . The audience celebrated the hero of the novel by dressing up identical to the main character; reading circles were found and festivals with Werther themes were held.However, the most remarkable of all events associated with the Werther-fever were the journeys to Switzerland, undertaken by many enthusiasts of the Goethe novel. Readers felt the need to experience the described scenery of the Swiss alps in person. This occurrence is transferable to the fantasy literature success, The Lord of the Rings. The fantasy novel caused fan clubs, fan art and some even learned the languages used by certain characters in the books. Despite the popularity of the trilogy, written by J. R. R.Tolkien, the relevance of the novel for New Zealand would have been of no significance, if the movie industry had not made the decision to produce a movie series transferring the story from paper on to the screen. In addition Tolkien is not direct ly connected to the country. Director Peter Jackson, a New Zealander himself, brought the production to his native land. Once the audience was confronted with the movies, showing New Zealand's' landscapes as breathtaking scenery of â€Å"Middle Earth†, the bases for film-induced tourism was laid.In 2004, The third part of the series, â€Å"The Return of the King†, won 11 Oscars, exposing the landscapes of New Zealand to approximately 200 million viewers worldwide. (Carl, Kindon & Smith 2007) Following the logic of the aforementioned matter, movie-induced tourism simply is on-location tourism that relates to a successful movie. Thus, the term can be widened to film-induced tourism, taking television, DVD and other mediums into account. (Beeton 2005)Nonetheless, film induced tourism is not restricted to only one form. There are two main forms: On-Location tourism and Off-Location tourism.On-location tourism includes all activities that are related directly to the film lo cation. Therefore it can have different characteristics. As portrayed by Sue Beeton, movie tourism can be the main reason to travel to a certain destination. Nevertheless, the participation in movie related tourism activities can also only be one of various events during a holiday. The same applies to off-location tourism which ,in contrast to on-location tourism, covers all film touristic activities not related to the film location, such as studio theme parks or studio tours.  (Beeton 2005)Since it is now established what film induced tourism is and why it works for New Zealand, it is necessary to determine the degree of influence of The Lord of the Rings on destination marketing. The Importance of the movies to not only the tourism industry but the country as a whole becomes obvious when reckoning that already in 2001, when the first movie was released, a â€Å"Minister of the Rings† was announced, by the government to optimize the profits gained from the movies to nation in a holistic approach.Therefore, the minister not only managed the film-induced tourism related issues but also in terms of the film industry and connected employment. (Beeton 2005) Though this may seem to be a drastic measure on first sight, it quickly becomes evidence of wise foresight. In Forbes online magazine Gregg Anderson, general manager of western long haul markets for Tourism New Zealand, stated: â€Å"We’ve seen a 50% increase in arrivals to New Zealand since Lord of the Rings† (Pinchefsky 2012) This increase is the result of various promotion efforts that include official government initiatives as well.During the time period of 2001 to 2004, more than 20 million $NZ were spent on promotion related to the trilogy. The destination marketing, of public and private entities was executed on all four levels: National, local, individual and media. Activities ranged from releasing themed stamps, setting up Lord of the rings tourism websites, renaming street names (Gandalf street),over specialized guidebooks, to reports on world premiers. After Pinchefsky, even â€Å"†¦ New Zealand Custom Service currently stamps visitor’s passports with a â€Å"Welcome to Middle Earth† stamp.† (Pinchefsky 2012)Another key player giving in to the trend towards film based marketing is Air New Zealand. The air carrier uses safety instructional videos with a Lord of the rings theme. Further, in 2004 several air craft's were painted with characters and scenes from the movies and the pilots welcomed passenger in Wellington with: â€Å"Welcome to Middle Earth†. Overall film induced marketing was a successful approach to increase the exposure of New Zealand as a tourism destination.According to Tourism New Zealand, New Zealand's national tourism board, 87 percent of potential customers considering a trip  to the country were familiar with the fact, that the trilogy was filmed in New Zealand. In contrast to that, in the year 2004, tourists who came to the destination primarily motivated to participate in film induced tourism, only made up one percent of all travelers entering the country. Though one percent does not appear to be a significant number, it translates into NZ$32. 8milion of tourist spending. Six percent acknowledged the movies to be one of their main reasons for traveling to New Zealand. (Tourism New Zealand n. d. ) As a result, that means 94% of the tourists posses a secondary or no interest in New Zealand's film tourism.The conclusion deriving from that circumstance is essential. Despite using Jackson's movies for a broad range of promotional tools, the tourism industry is not solely relying on them. This can be demonstrated with the following example: Approximately 30 percent of New Zealand's territory consists of protected parks with hiking trails in most of them. The responsible institution for the parks is the Department of Conservation. It solely promotes the protected area for common purp oses such as hiking or walking. Thus â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† is consciously excluded in promotional activities to protect the environment.Simultaneously this helps remaining the image of the country being a destination for outdoor adventure travel. (Beeton 2005 p. 82) In addition, Tourism New Zealand promotes the destination with the slogan: â€Å"100% pure New Zealand†, emphasizing on natural beauty and cultural heritage. After having established that New Zealand's tourism industry can and actively promotes its offerings to tourists around the globe, the efficiency of the practiced movie brand marketing has to be determined. This can be achieved by regarding the site sacralization as an indicator for the effectiveness of using Tolkien's fantasy story for promotion purposes.The site sacralization theory classically describes four phases; naming, framing and elevation, mechanical reproduction and social reproduction. ( MacCannell 1999) Since the lord of the ring si tes are not naturally developed but a product of transitioning fictional places and items to reality, the theory has to be adjusted. The naming is already given through the story itself. Further, the second phase of framing and elevation is completed. Tourist attractions such as â€Å"Hobbiton† stand out being staged as a meaningful subject of its own.In case of the mechanical reproduction, meaning that the attraction is  materialized and sold as for example a souvenir, it has to be understood, that there is also merchandize not related to New Zealand. The Lord of the Rings is a brand producing figures, cosplay and much more. Since the film locations and set are part of the merchandize product, the mechanical reproduction of many film-induced tourism sites mixes with the Lord of the Rings brand. The consequence is a blur of the boundary between fictional place and real tourism attraction. Therefore the last phase, social reproduction, is only reached partly. The nature of t he final phase is that it lets the attraction identify itself as the destination.In other words, the attraction is noticed as identical to the destination. The consequence is, that tourists visit a tourism simply for the attraction, not the destination including the site. The positive aspect of that condition is the large exposure of the attraction to potential visitors. New Zealand's destination marketing managed to benefit from the incompleteness of the social reproduction in two ways. Firstly, those who identify the tourism sites, and therefore New Zealand as a whole, with the scenes of â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† will directly react to promotion measures embracing fan culture.Secondly, for all others the movies will act as an ambassador for the country as destination itself with its natural beauty. Therefore, using destination marketing based on the movie is highly sufficient, as long as the trilogy is present in the heads of the people. This will not be an issue for the next two decades, as the prequel to the Lord of the Rings, â€Å"The Hobbit†, premiered in early 2013. The Hobbit will be a trilogy as well. As any business in the tertiary sector might agree with, maintaining customers is more efficient then attracting new ones. Thus customer satisfaction is an elementary aspect to every business.For New Zealand's film-induced tourism that raises the question of how tourists experience sites and whether they are satisfied. The difficulty lies in the fact that most backdrops used for the movies have been edited and the tourists experience of the attraction interferes with the experience of the watching the movie. In return that might cause dissatisfaction, if the imagined experience differs significantly from the actual experience. (Carl, Kindon & Smith 2007) Karl, Kindon and Smith analyzed three tours specialized in activities related to â€Å"The Lord of the Rings†. Those tours included film sets and pure scenery used for backdrops. The conclusion drawn was that the vast majority of the tourists was satisfied with the experience. In most cases expectations were met or even exceeded. Further, it was argued, that success and satisfaction level for activities, connected to scenery only, depend heavily on the performance of the tour guides presenting the attraction. Therefore, the quality of the products offered by New Zealand's film-induced tourism is difficult to evaluate. On a macro level â€Å"The Lord of the Rings†, is absolutely suited for film induced tourism. There are three qualities a film has to posses in order to be successfully used for film tourism.Those are: uniqueness, status and timely significance. The trilogy inherits all three qualities. It is a unique film experience on the verge of becoming an all time classic. Moreover, it has a high status as a movie setting new standards to its time and winning 11 Oscars. Lastly the movie was shot to a time where the aftermath of the 11th September a ttacks led to a war against terror. The story of the trilogy contains similar elements of good versus evil, which made it almost a metaphor for the historical developments at the time. The result was â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† as a part of pop culture.The intermediary result from the aforementioned issues lead to the conclusion, that Tourists participating in film-induced tourism related to Jacksons movies, are majorly satisfies with the provided experience. This is also conditioned by the quality of the trilogy itself. To be able to indicate the impact the movies had on the economy in the past and what the future might look like, economic statistics have to be critically reviewed. An intricacy is the limited amount of film-induced tourism data available. Hence it will be attempted to draw conclusions from the existing general tourism data.Last year, tourism generated a direct contribution to New Zealand's' GDP of $6. 2 billion, or 3. 3 percent of the total GDP. (Statistics New Zealand 2012) As already stated before, one percent of the tourists in 2004 named The Lord of the rings as the main reason to have chosen New Zealand's as travel destination. Another six percent named it to be one of their main reasons. Thus it could be assumed that those six percent directly are responsible for the same percentage of the tourism GDP equaling $370 million. The tourism industry provides 6. 2 percent of the national employment. (Statistics New Zealand 2012)That makes  tourism the second biggest industry after dairy, which demonstrates the importance of the sector to the country. The annual tourism expenditures can be used to indicate the immediate influence of the trilogy on the industry. Especially the expenditure of international tourists increased explicitly, c, one year after the premier of the final part of the trilogy. Though the higher expenditure is not necessarily combined with film tourism attractions, the great exposure of the destinations scenery in the movies, obviously had an effect on the higher expenditure, which is also related to the higher amount of travelers.The number of international visitors rose from approximately 1. 800. 000 in the millennium year to more than 2. 370. 000 in the year 2005. ( TRADING ECONOMICS n. d. ) For the future, the Ministry of Tourism forecasted 3. 12 million visitor annually by 2016. This forecast appears to be reasonable as the prequel to The lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, premiered in November 2012, with two more episodes to come. This is likely to cause an increase in brand exposure and therefore another growth in tourist arrivals similar to the development of the time frame 2001-2005.Taking the above mentioned numbers and statistics into account, it can be concluded, that film-induced tourism has a positive impact on the entire economy of New Zealand, though the precise details are difficult to attain, due to lack of research and data in the field. Most likely, this trend will be continu ed during the next decade.Conclusion Having demonstrated the issues related to the question :†What is the impact of the Lord of the Rings on New Zealand's Tourism industry from the release in 2001 till the year 2016?†, the following conclusion can be drawn: Film-induced tourism contains on-location and of-location activities related to successful films or movies. It's origins lie in the literature tourism of the late 18th century, during the eras of romanticism and storm and stress. Further, The Lord of the Rings as opportunity for New Zealand's tourism industry was not relevant before the countries scenery was chosen for the trilogy's backdrop. Moreover, the Tourism board of New Zealand, Tourism New Zealand, and private businesses fully embraced the Lord of the Rings as marketing opportunity.Hence, the film-induced destination marketing of  public and private entities was executed on all four levels: National, local, individual and media. The usage of Jacksons movies for promotion purposes was a success, considering that 87 percent of all people considering New Zealand as a destination, were familiar with the fact that the country served as film location. Further, the country is not solely relying on film-induced marketing as it benefits from the only partly reached fourth phase of the site sacralization process. As it is an essential element for long lasting customer relationships customer satisfaction is a significant issue.The majority of travelers participating in film tourism related activities was satisfied. In general expectations were met or even exceeded, depending on the degree of imagined experience influenced by the movies. That is why tour guides contribute a considerably to customer satisfaction. Lastly the impact of film-induced tourism on the overall economy is not completely researched. Never the less it represents about 6% of the tourism GDP. In addition the visitor numbers and tourism expenditure has increased drastically duri ng the time The Lord of the Rings ran in theaters.International tourism spending rose from $6,398 million in 2001 to $8,619 million in 2005. For 2016 the amount of visitors was forecasted to 3,2 million. As a result it is most likely that film induced tourism will be growing similar to the growth between 2001-2005. This is supported by the prequel â€Å"The Hobbit† that premiered November 2012. Taking all the aforementioned data into account, it can be stated that â€Å"The Lord of the Rings† and its prequel will have a lasting positive effect on New Zealand's Tourism economy, for at least, the next decade.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rate of reaction = change in absorbency/change in time Essay

Average absorbency = Test 1+2+33 eg. 20i C, at 1min 0. 13+0. 16+ 0. 15 =0. 15 3 Also to back up my results I found out what the rate of reaction was for each temperature, using the averages calculated before. I did this by using the following formula: Rate of reaction = change in absorbency/change in time eg. 100i C, 4 minutes: 0. 53/4= 0. 1325 Skill C-Analysing Evidence And Drawing a Conclusion Graph Analysis: Average absorbency graph: Looking at this graph shows me the trends that occur in my results. The ability to draw a line of best fit showed that the points lie on a line of positive correlation. 80i C had the most pigment released after 7mind and with 20i C. The 20i C, 40i C and 60i C were all where I thought they should lie. 60i C released more than 40i C and that temperature released more than 20i C. Also the line of best fit showed that the amount of pigment released increased as time passed. Which is what I predicted. The reason for this is that more pigment is being released into the surroundings. at 20i C, 30i C, 40i C pigment is released at a steady rate and 60i C. 70i C and 80i C the speed of absorption has increased. This explains the steady absorbency as temp goes up. A reason for the pigment escaping could be that the proteins in the cell membrane could get denatured, meaning that the pigment can escape. Therefore at a higher temperature the cell wall becomes unstable quicker and denatured allowing pigment to escape into the water. The fact that heat is known to denature proteins could prove that is why the pigment escapes. The graph and table show that there is a greater absorbency margin as the temperature increases. This can be seen when comparing 40i C the rate of reaction decreased as the experiment went on. However with 2i C the rate of reaction actually increased as the experiment went on. This is surprising, as I would have thought that the rate would decrease as it did in most cases. E. g. for 80i C the rate fell from 0. 15 to 0. 078, and to show the large gap 60i. The rates of reactions were in the same order as the amount of pigment graphs, the 100i C rate is faster than the 80i C and there is the large gap between them and the lower temperatures. I expected the rate to decrease, as there would be less pressure inside the cell as the pigment escapes from the cell. This would mean that the pigment would not escape as fast because it isn’t getting pushed out as fast. Also the water potential either side of the cell wall will start to level out which would lower the rate of diffusion of the pigment. At first with all, but 2i C, the rate of reaction is very fast then it starts to slow down. This backs up my theory that the pressure gets less. Because as more pigment escapes out of the cell the less pressure which will slow the rate down. And as there will be lots of pigment at the start then there will be high pressure so the rate of reaction will very fast, as shown in the graph. Anomalous Results: When looking at the graph I can see that there are no anomalous results, which could indicate that the experiment was quite precise, but that does not mean that it is accurate. The readings I got might be along the same trend but that trend could miles off the actual value. This normally suggests that it is not down the human error but the equipment used is the cause for error. However if I look at the table of results I can see that there are two anomalous results that do not fit in with the trend. This could be down to human or experimental error. Skill D-Evaluating Evidence and Procedures Changes to The Experiment: The experiment was changed to make it easier to take results, by using a full test tube colorimeter with the beetroot on pins to make it quicker to pull out after the short time limit. There would be a increase of pigment released due to the pin being inserted to the beetroot but washing off the excess pigment in the water bath for 2mins beforehand will have reduced the error for this. Criticism of Apparatus: Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Friday, September 27, 2019

'(...) time has emerged as one of the central issues that need to be Essay

'(...) time has emerged as one of the central issues that need to be grappled with in contemporary fiction'(Morrison). Discuss t - Essay Example The title brings out the long time yearning for freedom that the slaves were fighting for. The story being a counteraction on memory allows the reader to seek an intervention in the events of history. This acts as an exploration of the objective of slave narratives in giving history a new meaning and enables the reader to imagine the perspective of history in terms of the present situation. July’s narration of the life in slavery enables the audience to feel the extent of miserable life that they were subjected to. She expresses her statements in a manner that depicts the hatred she has for the whites. She enters into a love affair with the plantation master but the relationship later ends .Levy makes the reader realize the transition between the past and the present. The Long Song informs the descendants of the victims of slavery about the hostile environment which their ancestors had lived in. Levy received many letters of gratitude from the descendants of Emily Godwin who n ever new their slave ancestry. The never change; they permanently stick to be what they are at the time of their occurrence (Levy 2010, pp.321). This means memories can never be rubbed away. Somebody might wish to go off to some world to where nobody can reach. They wish to go to a place, which time does not pass. Unfortunately, such a place does not exist in this world. One might be continuously getting frustrated by the world’s grief, which moves as a function of time and not as a function of somebodies wishes. Time terrifies by the fact that it is a passing factor. One is forced to believe, sincerely, sitting and doing nothing does not really make time to have a break. It even adds the reality of having done nothing. It is rather determined to rush and make history. Years, decades and centuries pass, time increasingly goes longer. The moments keep changing, you wonder if the centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, minutes and seconds were spent in the most efficien t and productive ways they possibly could. A continuous rapid transition of what happens today to history that goes forever, a thought that things appear and disappear. Whatever remains of experience continue to take to the traditions to be taken as traditions of different communities. People tend to act in the ways of their ancestors, possibly as a sign of showing them respect. People’s self-consciousness flow in the direction of what happens in the past, the capture and destruction of existing memories by history has received revelation, like the ancestral bond of identity had been dismantled and occurrences ending as if the experience was self-evident. In the book, â€Å"The Long Song† (2010), the essay is trying to reveal the part played by neo-slaves narratives in coming up with and bringing a significant change in history. This is done to close the gap of time by enabling the audience to visualize the past in terms of the present events. The genre has been writte n in the post-abolition era to assert the meaning of historical value of the story about slavery and restore the conscience of slaves as being human beings like anybody else. In this case, history is never used to judge slaves’ rights. The slaves living in Jamaica had a hard experience in the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A review on software industry in the Gulf region Research Paper

A review on software industry in the Gulf region - Research Paper Example â€Å"There are many problems associated with tracking software imports and exports in trade statistics.† (OECD, 37). These problems include the hazy differentiation between software and software media trade, trade of software being a part of hardware, lack of measuring mechanism for the sale of intellectual property in international market. (OECD, 37). For obvious reasons this obscurity is even graver in gulf region states, who stepped into this industry late in 20th century and most of the software applications are imported from developed countries. The production and development of software in developed countries have raised serious concerns for the integrity of software industry itself as the bulk productions to realize rapid economic gains has forced deviations from the recommended software development framework and guidelines. Committee on the Off-shoring of Engineering (COE, 66) observes, â€Å"Scholars conceded that the effects of off-shoring on the quality of work do ne in developed nations are uncertain because we do not know whether the productivity gains will be captured by the developing countries or the developed countries.† Quality assurance is a core subject of software engineering and this stands true in any region and domain for which the software is being developed. The deviation from this basic guiding principal of software engineering has surfaced several legal and quality issues in gulf countries. This is especially true for the gulf region where software production is either offshore or in foreign control. â€Å"The wealthy Gulf nations have long relied on foreign (mostly American) contractors to build and maintain much of their IT base.† (Carmel, Paul, 24). This over reliance on foreign expertise has given birth to a variety of legal issues in software ownership, , legitimate use, quality and maintenance. Redha (n.p) the Business Software Alliance Chair, Gulf Region, while surfacing his concerns on quality and legal i ssues stressed, â€Å"While the region is seeing rapidly growing technological adoption and internet penetration, which is contributing to overall economic growth, we need to ensure that this growth is not compromised through software piracy.† The quality issues in offshore products are a common observation because of the variance in environment and culture of the software developer and user. COE (197) observes, â€Å"When we consider off-shoring, we must remember that there is great variability in software objectives, job types, and practices around the world.† Obviously, this variability may cause quality issue in a region where environment, software quality requirements and job types are considerably different. The fact has instigated a profound realization among Gulf States to develop an indigenous software industry, which can cater local requirement with minimum quality issues and legal breaches. The Gulf States, specially Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria are now maki ng concentrated efforts to groom local software industry and the commitment of local software companies in the region may achieve better results for growth of software industry. However, the lack of latest technologies and the dearth of software engineers with required skills are two major areas where they face bottlenecks. Still quality can

Critically analyse how 'Fight Club' might be considered postmodern Essay

Critically analyse how 'Fight Club' might be considered postmodern - Essay Example One of the pieces of the mosaic is consumerism and anti-cultural attitude promulgated in the film. At this point, it is necessary to stress that fragmentation of the issues brings them to the fore and the technique of â€Å"rapid cutting to reinforce the sometimes extreme action† exploited by filmmakers makes the viewer pay close attention to these fragments (Booker 2007: 37). People are eager to find the connection between the pieces of the mosaic and focus on the major topics discussed. Thus, consumerism is â€Å"criticised primarily as an ideological force . . . that weakens and domesticates men† (Giroux & Szeman 2001: 101). Importantly, the trend spreading globally is not regarded as a peculiarity of the society but is presented as a political paradigm lobbied by the rich. According to the narrator and his alter ego, this ideological force is aimed at enslaving people. Tyler draws a line between capitalism and consumerism (which is a result of the former) as both id eologies oppress people and turn them into slaves. Thus, people are enslaved by things and they are forced to have â€Å"everything from IKEA† they â€Å"could possibly want† (Gibson 2004: 183). However, the world of things is opposed to the real world as it is seen by the protagonists. This is a characteristic feature of postmodernism as it is based on opposition to what has been accepted. Tyler emphasises that the world of things is fake and even unreal and this is a postmodern view on reality. Likewise, Featherstone (2007: 6) notes that â€Å"through consumerism† people are creating â€Å"a destabilized, aestheticized hallucination of reality†. People are taught to fit into the world of IKEA and strive for more things and this makes them feel uneasy as a human cannot and should not become a part of such an unreal reality. The very concept of free will ceases to exist in such a world. Apart from that, the world of consumers

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Jaws Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jaws - Case Study Example Both the anterior and posterior facial heights, inclination of the mandible and the angle of the gonial are considered. The maximum force of a bite is produced by the combined effect of jaw elevator muscles which are produced by jaw biomechanics and reflex mechanisms. The modification and elevation of jaw muscles results in higher magnitude of bite force. The masseter-temporal muscle is thicker in individuals with short faces hence stronger bite force. With a more vertical ramus and an acutely gonial, a greater mechanical advantage is produced by the elevator muscles. However, a long face cranial morphology based on mandibular inclination produces smaller bite force values (Koc et al, 230). 2. Size is one of the cranial facial factors since it plays a vital role in establishing the magnitude of a bite. This is because they control the muscle forces. For instance, in mammals the masseter-muscles comprises 60 to 80% hence easy adaptation to their feeding habits that require maximum bite force (Cox et al. 2012). 5. The other findings that are consistent with this information include experimental studies, observations, tests and other model based forces used to estimate the exertion of muscle forces (Erdemir et al, 140). 7. The resolution of the case regarding the relationship between jaw size and muscle thickness and the magnitude of the bite is correct. We might, therefore, expect to find that larger animals that require high magnitude bites have thicker muscles, and larger jaw sizes to enable them in proper chewing. Raadsheer, M. C., van Eijden, T. M., van Ginkel, F. C., & Prahl-Andersen, B. â€Å"Contribution of Jaw Muscle Size and Craniofacial Morphology to Human Bite Force Magnitude†. Journal of dental health. (1999). Vol. 78 (1): Pp.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Differences between War Crimes, Acts of Genocide and Crimes against Essay

Differences between War Crimes, Acts of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity - Essay Example In order to successfully offer a distinction it is important to identify what each means in international law. It is important to note that Crimes against Humanity to be precise are largely vague by definition in many legally authoritative commentaries (Trahan & Human Rights Watch, 2006). Acts of Genocide on the other hand are clear in many statutes while the former has many interpretations depending on which statute one is referring to. This can be attributed to their history and how each developed as an internationally recognised offense. Acts of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity emanated primarily from the Nuremberg trials where they were utilised as synonyms. It is important to note that these crimes had their roots after the World War II when the international community wanted the Nazi regime in Germany to be held accountable for the atrocities it had committed during the war. Discussions were held by the United Nations from 1947 to 1948 before the adoption of a definition of genocide. Crimes against Humanity are criminal conducts towards civilians or distinct groups of people for example murder, enslavement, sexual violence among other inhumane acts regardless of whether the state in question was at war and regardless whether the acts were against that state’s laws at the time of committal. These crimes can be committed by anyone ranging from state officials to individuals towards their own nationals or foreigners. Genocide on the other hand has a smaller definition which is an act perpetrated by state nationals or individuals with the intention to destroy a religious, national, racial or ethnic group irrespective of whether the state is at peace or at war (Schabas, 2000; Boot, 2002). War Crimes on the other hand are acts perpetrated at the time of armed conflict which are against international laws governing the rule of law. These acts include mistreatment of civilian populations and people exploitation through torture or executions. War Crimes have been around for a longer period than genocide or Crimes against Humanity. Many civilisations around the world have had their share of controls that governed their warfare. In China for example, those at war were strictly forbidden to strike an elderly enemy fighter or further harm an injured enemy or opponent. Further restrictions were in regards to treatment of captives or prisoners of war. They were to be well treated so as to be used later for the captors benefit. Some of these rules contributed to the definitions stipulated above under the international law. It should also be noted that defining War Crimes has been a problem especially when instilling punishment (Schabas, 2008). It is a fact that in war solders are instructed or even ordered to kill with methods of doing so having some restrictions. Some contradictions often arise in determining War Crimes circumstances for example where a soldier kills their victims during war and are punished for it. Another is where pla nes engage in mass bombing of cities killing many innocent lives and no one is held accountable for it. These and more are some of the dilemmas that challenge the implementation of international law in various nations. The notion of Crimes against Humanity As earlier mentioned, Crimes against Humanity are rarely defined in many authoritative commentaries. The Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia and that of Rwanda brought to the fore the graveness of lack of definite meanings for the Crimes against Humanity (Meron, 1994; Akhavan, 1996). The reason for this was that the statutes establishing these tribunals

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Phantom of the Opera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Phantom of the Opera - Essay Example The performers wore colorful and rich costumes. The style of costumes changed depending on the scenes. Some of them represented parts of other operas inside the musical. For example, the rehearsal of the opera Hannibal takes place in the Ancient Rome, and the costumes had a luxury Roman and Carthaginian style. In the opera Il Muto, the performers wore eighteenth-century clothing. The musical offers a great visual interest in the group scenes, specially in the number â€Å"Masquerade†, where the cast showed different costumes, like ballerinas, buffoons, clowns, mythological figures, and the â€Å"Red Mask† of the Phantom. The Phantom of the Opera does not have the traditional concert setting. The audience does not just listen quietly, like in a concert of classical music. The scenario is partly integrated with the rest of the theater. It is important to notice that The Phantom of the Opera is a musical about a theater, which takes place within a theater. In some moments, the public could feel that they belonged to the same fictional audience who witnessed all the events in the Paris Opera. For example, the fall of the chandelier, the appearance of the nobleman Raoul in a balcony, from where he sees Christine singing; the representation of Don Juan Triumphant, the opera written by the Phantom, or in the other opera Il Muto, when the diva Carlotta loses her voice.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Great Gatsby Essay Example for Free

The Great Gatsby Essay In the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald he explains to the reader in a distinctive way who Jay Gatsby is. This new man who is secretly in love with Daisy and has lots of new money, is living in West Egg., this mysterious character is revealed to us by the narrator Nick Caraway. Rumours and facts are revealed to us in the first five chapters. At the beginning of the novel, Jay Gatsby is described to us as a mysterious man who is really shy; we also know nothing about him. He purchases a mansion in West Egg. He through lots of parties to gain social status and to gain access to Daisy. Rumours help distinguish this character a lot. The rumours that you read come to you as being true. However the reality is that it isn’t. â€Å"One time he killed a man who had found out it was nephew to Von Hidenburg.† Von Hidenburg was a German field marshal in WW1. He also appointed Adolf Hitler Canceler. Jay Gatsby was a Solider in WW1. This rumour make you think that he is courageous hero who killed a close family member of a German Hero. As a reader we think that these rumours are not completely true that they are over exaggerated. Perhaps the truth that jay Gatsby did kill a German but maybe just a German Officer or General. Further on in the book in Chapter 4 Gatsby reveals to Nick a lot of information about his life. â€Å"I took the remains of my machine gun battalion so far forward†¦ We stayed there for two nights and two days†¦ and when the infantry came (Allie Forces) up the found the insignia of three German diversions among the pile of the dead.† How could one non-complete battalion take out three other battalions and live to tell the tale? Nick makes us think this Gatsby is being completely truthful or is slightly over exaggerating his story. But before Nick completely names his as untruthful then Jay Gatsby brings out a large amount of evidence to back up his heroism. â€Å"Major jay Gatsby, I read. Then it is all true.† Jay Gatsby enters the novel as a shy and mysterious character who has recently came into a great large deal of new money. But as the novel progresses we understand that he was living in poverty in his childhood, and that he had basically been spoilt when his family died. He has secretly been in love with Daisy for ten years and he tries to improve his status by being the party hostess. Rumour and factual information help give the reader a better understanding of Jay Gatsby and how he can to be so rich and all of his history.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Belfast Travellers: Services and Policies

Belfast Travellers: Services and Policies Case Study – Belfast Travellers The case study examines the provision of accommodation and other services for the travelling community in the Belfast area over a 30 year time period. During this time many different agencies, including the Department of the Environment (DoE), the Belfast City Council (BCC), the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) and a number of voluntary sector organizations, were involved in attempting to provide services to the travellers. This essay will examine the degree to which the travellers participated in specifying their needs and in designing policies to address them, and relate such consultation to different concepts of participation mentioned by Cornwall (2003). The concluding paragraph will evaluate the success, or otherwise, of such participation in delivering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance to the travelling community. Although community development has been a strategy of both statutory and voluntary sectors in Northern Ireland (NI) for many years[1], until relatively recently it does not seem to have been applied to the travelling community. This process works at a community level, through community groups and the appointment of local community development workers who â€Å"engage with the community to identify needs, raise issues, and develop programmes †¦ to address those needs†.[2] Although this strategy was no doubt consciously applied to the settled community, there is little evidence of it being used before 1992 with the travelling community. For example, the initial issues for providing accommodation for the travellers involved the provision of camping sites. At the Colin Glen site there were problems of overcrowding, compounded by the relocation to the site of families unrelated to those already there, which caused conflict between the groups. A contributing factor to this dete rioration was the lack of consultation with the travellers before moving additional families to the site. The entire site was eventually abandoned[3]. Initially the BCC provided sites, but these were often poorly serviced and were built without proper consultation. Responsibility for providing accommodation for travellers was later moved to the NIHE, and travellers were consulted about which families would be housed in group housing, developed through the use of housing associations.[4] However, they were not active in the running of the housing associations.[5] A report from 1980 titled Services for Travelling People in NI, issued by the Coordinating Committee for Social Problems, stated that the various voluntary sector agencies involved with the travelling community felt that they had effective policies, even though there had been no consultation with travellers.[6] More encouragingly, the Belfast Travellers Site Project (BTSP) was set up in 1985 with a committee consisting of 50 % travellers and 50% settled people. Its aims were to improve sites in Belfast and to have an input into policies regarding travellers in general.[7] In 1992 BTSP initiated a number of community-based activities, and one of their most important initiatives was that travellers were employed to work as community workers in their own communities. This initiative seems to fall within Cornwall’s description of â€Å"invited participation†.[8] Amongst the successes of the community development approach, the committee felt it had contributed to â€Å"an increase in the travellers’ sense of worth and the value of their particular culture†.[9] The state also played its part in trying to create an environment in which citizens could give input about issues affecting them. More attention was given to a rights-based approach to development, and in 1998 the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission was established, which gave the travellers an opportunity to make official complaints.[10] This resonates with what the study guide has to say about the â€Å"concept of citizenship† [11] as well as with Cornwall’s concept of an â€Å"aware citizenry†[12] Probably the most important improvement in the possibilities for participation came from the creation of An Munia Tober ((The Good Road) in 2005, from an amalgamation of a number of smaller community groups. Their objectives are â€Å"to provide services and act as an advocate for travellers, as well as offering opportunities for travellers to be involved in their own development† [13] In general, the voluntary sector has been consistent in trying to encourage the travellers to share in decision making and to participate in the management of projects, and several agencies have included representatives from travellers. However, travellers still feel that there is insufficient consultation. Those that do participate often feel that their views are not given due weight. For this reason, groups that work with travellers continue to promote their active participation, and try to help them to obtain the skills they need to contribute effectively. A proposed â€Å"All Ireland study on Travellers†, due to have started in 2007, intended to train travellers as researchers. The intention was not only to teach new skills, but also to impart increased ownership, improve confidence, and thereby reduce any inhibitions against forcefully arguing their case. [14] The success or failure of the various interventions in obtaining participation from the travelling community, and thereby imbuing them with a sense of empowerment and self-reliance, is difficult to judge. Certainly, the failures to obtain input and participation resulted in notable disasters, such as at Colin Glen. The Traveller Movement (NI) concluded that there had been â€Å"a policy failure of staggering proportions† in the treatment of travellers in general.[15] However, the success of the NIHE in accommodating over 50% of the travellers in group housing, consulting with them about which families to house together, demonstrates that a participative approach can produce good results. The policies of the BTSP in employing travellers as community workers, and in involving greater numbers of travellers in educational and health related activities, have contributed to an improvement in their sense of worth. On balance, both the negative consequences of non-participation, and t he positive results from consultative approaches, tend to indicate that participation does contribute to a sense of empowerment and self-reliance. Bibliography Course Book Cornwall, A. (2003) Looking back to move forward in Cornwall, A. Beneficiary, Consumer, Citizen: Perspectives on Participation for Poverty Reduction, Stockholm, SIDA. Le Mare, A (2006) Belfast travellers: a case study of the provision of housing and services for the travelling community in Belfast Word Count: With footnotes:1065 Without footnotes:1006 1 Footnotes [1] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 7 [2] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 7 [3] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 9 [4] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 10 [5] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 15 [6] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 11 [7] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 11 [8] Cornwall, A. 2003: 76-7 [9] Belfast Travellers, 2006 12/13 [10] Belfast Travellers, 2006 14 [11] Course Book: 65 [12] Cornwall, A. 2003: 76 [13] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 16 [14] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 17 [15] Belfast Travellers, 2006: 13 Should The Governments Regulate The Internet? Should The Governments Regulate The Internet? In 20th centuries, number of net citizen is growing fast around the World. Survey conducted by Internet Usage Statistics shows that over twenty-five percent of world population are internet users [11]. Because of the internet popularizing trend, the importance of Internet censorship has also risen. As a result, I believe that the Internet should be regulated by the Governments. This article is going to discuss mainly three areas. They are social, economical and political. Exploring the advantages and disadvantages on implementing regulation on the Internet, by reviewing current situations between United States, China and Hong Kong, what regulation have been done on the Internet. I picked Hong Kong as my studied area, as it is my living place, it is necessary to be concerned. While Hong Kong is executing One Country Two System, my motherland China, carrying out one system only, is also reviewed in this article. United States, which is claimed to be a model country of advocate peoples freedom, is chosen for comparison as a role of foreign country. There would be different aspects and outcomes of regulating the Internet within these three countries. Followed by, my reason on supporting Government should regulate the Internet. Firstly, I am going to discuss social issue. Public health is one reason supporting regulation on the Internet. Nowadays, many pornography sites can be accessed easily by just clicking Im above 18.. Children would get sex and harmful information from these sites easily without parent guidance. Thus, Internet control has become important to protect children. In United States, Communications Decency Act (CDA), established in 1996, regulates on offensive and obscenity content [23]. For Hong Kong, there is also law for obscene and violence control. It is called Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Chapter 390) [14]. According to South Sina News (2007), a Hong Kong netizen, Mr. Woo, was sentenced as he published obscene links on the Internet [13]. When compare to Chinese Government, they only have some agreements on Internet control, there is no a concrete law that the internet censorship should follows. Thus, internet censorship in China is mainly held by filtering systems , or firewall. A common blocking system in China would be Green Dam Youth Escort (Green Dam) [20]. It is designed to filter illegal contents. Start from May, 2009, the software is required to pre-install in personal computers produced by China. The system protects children from violence and pornography. Problem of cyber-bullying is also one factor affecting public health. It causes psychological harm to netizens. In America, Megan Taylor Meier was committed suicide because a friends mother, Lori Drew. She humiliated Megan. Drew created a male account named Josh Evans, and bully Megan on the Internet. After investigation, Lori Drew was caught. This is not the only case that would cause psychological harm. In Hong Kong, net citizens would post persons data on the internet when they think the person is misconducted. Privacy like phone numbers, address, working place, etc., is exposed. Daily lives of many victims are badly affected. They are afraid to be recognized outside home. Tsui Yu Hin [5] is one of victims in Hong Kong. He was insulted by netizens pushing his pregnant girlfriend down elevator. Netizens setup a facebook group blaming his misbehavior. This affair was interrupting Tsuis living, he kept receiving disturbing phone calls. Cyber-bullying would cause victims more depressi on, negative impact on working or academic performance, extreme violent behavior such as murder or committed suicide. To prevent cyber-bullying, American has established the Megan Meier Cyber-bullying Prevention Act, this is one of the first cyber-bullying laws that protects children and adults from disturbs. This is a case that showing netizens are needed to take consequences for what they have done on the internet. I believe it is a good way to lighten the problem of cyber-bullying. Chinese and Hong Kong Government should follow the actions taken of U.S. Secondly, the economy issue is discussed. Foreign-invested enterprise, such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc., that are widely-used, has potential to strengthen the links between countries and global economy. Businesses such as mobile phones connecting Google, are being popular. Besides, companies can gain from owning the copyright. Protecting copyright would help providing a fair competition environment. As a result, Governments establish laws to accuse infringing on Copyrights currently, including film industry, music industry, etc., mainly related to creativity. One law in United States, Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) of 1999, [21], legislate the registration of domain names with trademarks. Though Hong Kong does not have same law, there is another potential law for protecting rights of trademark owners. The Intellectual Property Department [7] is set up to handle copyright, designs, personal intellectual properties and trademarks. Rules correlated to Trade Mark s Ordinance, Patents Ordinance, and Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance are introduced to protect creativity and balance the interest of the right owners and society. CHAN Nai Ming, a Hong Kong citizen, was jailed as he uploaded Hollywood films onto the Internet, while it is violating the copyright. While in China, there is also copyright registry on the website of National Copyright Administration of the Peoples Republic of China [12]. It is clear that regulating internet by the Government could be beneficial to economy factor. Lastly, political issue is discussed. Sensitive contents, mainly related to religion and politics, are usually filtered. In United States, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was introduced on May 18, 1977. [22]. It limits foreign governments, groups, or individuals (e.g. spies), that would cause international terrorism, and attacks. It prevents citizens to perform illegal activities. In China, filtering is required for protecting citizen from misconduct contents. MySpace China is one of the samples applied filtering. [2]. Sensitive topics are filtered, for example, Taiwan independence. In MySpace China, there is an abused report function for users. Abused account would be block when found that the abuse is true. This could help catching illegal netizens. Chinese Government would even interfere in administration of company or limit individuals freedom. Huang Qi [10][18], a website owner criticized the role of government in the student massacre June 4th 1989 in his website. G overnment considered his website content as illegal, as a result, Huang Qi was arrested on 3 June 2000, and facts stated on his website were blocked. In 2009, thousands of protesters took to the streets in Xinjiang Riot. Officials reported that protesters made use of Twitter/Facebook to gather themselves in Xinjiang Province. Many unauthorized postings on local sites and Google were limited by censors during and after the riots. Based on BBC News, search engine Google was blocked by China [1][3]. It was because China requested Google to filter controversial materials but Google denied. As a result, there is no found on the internet. This shows that, when filtering or blocking is carried out, information transmission is limited. This would be beneficial to the Government. By controlling the access right, negative information about the government can be blocked. By looking at the cases in China and America, they show that filtering and setting up laws can help protecting national security, keeping netizens away from getting offending information. However, on the Internet users point of view, filtering would have an impact on getting updated news because filtering may block more than expected. Lots of useful information may be blocked. The regulation is far from perfect. Though there is such disadvantage, I believe internet should still be regulated by the government. When compared the level of internet censorship between Hong Kong and China, it is less strict in Hong Kong. Net citizens in Hong Kong have rooms to criticize the Government on the Internet, which would help monitoring the Government. When Hong Kong Government was introducing 2012 Act Now, net citizens were teasing by creating similar slogan and logo 2012 All Wrong. Though the censorship level is lower, there are still laws managing the disciplines on the internet. According to Ming Pao Newspaper (2008), netizen spread the message Hong Kong will become a city of SARS [4][6]. Large numbers of people were frightened and thus bought and stored rice bulkily. The netizen was sentenced Access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent [9][24]. It shows that net citizens are still required to take responsibilities. To summarize, internet censorship would be beneficial on social, economical and political areas, protecting privacy and intelligence property, keeping social order and public health. It is clear that Internet-censorship is necessary as Governments in different countries are already taking actions to control the Internet. Despite the advantages, in my point of view, Governments should regulate the Internet because it is more effective to carry out the disciplines from top-down strategy. Followed by, having the cooperation from other roles, such as webmaster. To me, an effective regulation should extend to set up laws only. Citizens would know that he/she need to take consequence even on virtual world. Person violating laws would be arrested, where there is room for the freedom of speech on the Internet. In conclusion, regulation is beneficial on many aspects. It could help protecting privacy and intelligence property, keeping social order and public health. Though Internet censorship is a difficult task to perform, it is a necessary action taken.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Argumentative Essay: Handgun Ownership Should Not be Banned :: Gun Control Essays

Should handgun ownership be banned? I don't believe so. You would think America would learn from examples from other countries. When you take away handguns the crime rate rises. American citizens need to know their rights, responsibilities and safety of owning a handgun. The second amendment says, "A well regulated militia being necessary to security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The second amendment was made for two things. It is there for first, to guarantee the individuals right to have arms for self-defense and self-preservation. The second reason is related to the militia. The right to carry a handgun for self-protection is a privilege of citizenship. The confusion is the right of the state or the individual. The regulation of handguns could be looked at as unconstitutional. The amendment is for the people and not the state. People who do not research the owning of handguns and form their opinion off of what they see on the news are left in the dark. One of the most misunderstood concepts is that more guns cause more violence. This is false more guns do not mean more homicides. In 1973, the handgun stock was 36.9 million and the homicide rate was 9.4 per 100,000. In 1992, the handgun stock was 77.6 million but the homicide rate dropped 8.5 percent. In 1994, the U.S. bureau of justice static's made a survey that stated 100,000 lives are saved by handguns. According to criminologist Gary Kleck, guns are fired in only about 24 percent of cases in which they are used for self-defense. Another argument is that police kill 330 innocent people every year. These are skilled and trained individuals with handguns. So you can imagine the assumptions made for citizens who have no adequate training. It is your responsibility to get this training. Here are some courses that are offered to help you have adequate training. You can take a hunters safety course. The NRA offers safety and training courses. Some junior colleges offer handgun training. You can also learn about it in the military. Most states will not allow licensing of a handgun without one of the courses. There also is the issue of keeping handguns out of the hands of children.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Influence of the Wealthy Over the Media and Politics Essay -- Informat

"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." --- —A.J. Liebling. The majority of media in the United States, are owned in operated by wealthy individuals and corporations. Media also helps portray â€Å"big business† good or bad, depending on their influence, mostly due to contributions. Due to these contributions, select few have been able to manipulate and create a bias towards the contributor. Eventually free media and press evolved into the oligarchy that now â€Å"runs† our country. It is impossible to report everything that happens, therefore bias in unavoidable. But the amount and degree of bias can be controlled. In this country there is said to be a liberal media and conservative media. Though it is hard to define the two, in layman’s terms, liberal is more â€Å"open ideas† in a sense and conservative is sticking to the fundamentals. It is fair to say that there are no morals in business, especially in Corporate America. If morals were the leading factor there would obviously be more diversity within the media. Take, for example, ABC Nightly News- every night one can see that NBC Nightly News is covering the same stories and topics and no more. The media portrays a relative philosophy in that the media displays news it believes is relevant to the time. When people, such as Dan Rather and the Killian Documents, report news found to be harmful to the reputation of big business or government they are censored, or in Dan’s case forced to resign. ... ... The news is now filled with personal problems and insignificant little stories. It has transformed from making truths aware, even if they are bad, to nurturing and protecting against problems. The founding fathers are turning in their graves. This is exactly what they were fighting against, censorship and control laying with a few not the people. The Internet has formed a revolution in the way we obtain and interpret information. There is not a corporation or political influence, in most cases, and awareness about issues can be done cheaply and inexpensive without the censorship of the FCC or other organizations. We should have a new Constitution stating: separation between church, state, media (news), big business, and politics. Influence of the Wealthy Over the Media and Politics Essay -- Informat "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." --- —A.J. Liebling. The majority of media in the United States, are owned in operated by wealthy individuals and corporations. Media also helps portray â€Å"big business† good or bad, depending on their influence, mostly due to contributions. Due to these contributions, select few have been able to manipulate and create a bias towards the contributor. Eventually free media and press evolved into the oligarchy that now â€Å"runs† our country. It is impossible to report everything that happens, therefore bias in unavoidable. But the amount and degree of bias can be controlled. In this country there is said to be a liberal media and conservative media. Though it is hard to define the two, in layman’s terms, liberal is more â€Å"open ideas† in a sense and conservative is sticking to the fundamentals. It is fair to say that there are no morals in business, especially in Corporate America. If morals were the leading factor there would obviously be more diversity within the media. Take, for example, ABC Nightly News- every night one can see that NBC Nightly News is covering the same stories and topics and no more. The media portrays a relative philosophy in that the media displays news it believes is relevant to the time. When people, such as Dan Rather and the Killian Documents, report news found to be harmful to the reputation of big business or government they are censored, or in Dan’s case forced to resign. ... ... The news is now filled with personal problems and insignificant little stories. It has transformed from making truths aware, even if they are bad, to nurturing and protecting against problems. The founding fathers are turning in their graves. This is exactly what they were fighting against, censorship and control laying with a few not the people. The Internet has formed a revolution in the way we obtain and interpret information. There is not a corporation or political influence, in most cases, and awareness about issues can be done cheaply and inexpensive without the censorship of the FCC or other organizations. We should have a new Constitution stating: separation between church, state, media (news), big business, and politics.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Power of a Symbol in The Yellow Wallpaper, The Glass Menagerie and

Years ago, Sister Mary Corita Kent, a celebrated artist and educator of the 1960’s and 1970’s stated, â€Å"A painting is a symbol for the universe. Inside it, each piece relates to the other. Each piece is only answerable to the rest of that little world. So, probably in the total universe, there is that kind of total harmony, but we get only little tastes of it† (Lewis "Quotes from Women Artists"). Nowadays, a painting is not the main form of art humans appreciate. In fact, literature of all sorts can be considered a different form of art and often found in literature are symbols. A "symbol" is an object, person or action which represents an abstract idea (Warren â€Å"English 102†). In literature, a symbol or set of symbols can have a wide range of meanings. For example, color is a universal symbol; some may say it is a general symbol for life. However, each color separately can symbolize something different depending on the context. Analyzing five pie ce of literature for symbolism, one will be able to gain a deeper understating of symbols. To begin, the short story by Charlotte Gilman, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† uses the deteriorating wallpaper to represent the narrator’s failing mind. The narrator is suffering and is confined in an uncomfortable house in a room she did not choose; she becomes obsessed with the wallpaper of the room. As the yellow wallpaper represents the narrator’s mind, the statement made by the narrator, â€Å"The color is repellent, almost revolting; a smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. It is a dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly sulphur tint in others† refers to the condition of her mind by suggesting her condition is revolting and unclean. She is fading away in the su... could these five pieces of literature possibly have in common?’ The answer to this question is very simple, these pieces of literature each possess symbolic colors that represent something different. Yellow wallpaper represents a deteriorating mind, a shabby, black box represents a gruesome, sacrificial death, green is the physical representation of power and wealth in society, a mixture of blue and yellow represents the confusion of a clear sky with dead grass and ‘Blue Roses’ and Blue Mountain represent the longing someone feels for something they can never have. Perhaps a paining is not the only symbol for the universe. Perhaps every piece of literature is related to each other in such a way that by reading each piece of literature, one can connect the different symbols an author chooses to use and recognize the complex harmony that binds the literature world.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nominal Group Technique

Nominal Group Technique In 1968 Andre Delbecq co-developed with Andrew H. Van de Ven the Nominal Group Technique, which has diffused worldwide to become the most widely used method of group brainstorming. ? and has been applied to adult education program planning by Vedros. ? What is the NGT? The Nominal Group Technique (NGT), is a decision making method for use among groups of many sizes, who want to make their decision quickly, as by a vote, but want everyone's opinions taken into account. ? There will be one facilitator in each group and group members. Materials we need for NGT Steps Define problem/issue as a question Divide the people into small groups Brainstorm individually Evaluate ; vote Clarifying questions, explanations Share ideas with everyone Sum votes then get the best one. Case Study Aunt Barbara passed away and left you a company – equal number of shares for each Amusement Park ? Office Building ? ? ? ? ? Closed during Autumn and Winter – costs still occ ur Fairly good revenues in the Summer Profit – but falling year by year ;Machines are getting oldIn the city center Rising competition ;New, modern offices Cheap, but can’t lower the prices any more ? No competition Case Study The company has some cash, and no outstanding debts ? It’s September and you are having your first meeting as new owners ? How could the company increase its profits? Case Study Ideas ? ? Votes ? Ranks ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pros ? ? ? ? Cons requires preparation ? for some people it might be too structured/bounded ? regulates discussion – less stimulating than other techniques ? nly a single question can be discussed at a time ? ? minimizes influence of others large quantity of ideas everyone has an equal opportunity to share their ideas no judgment/criticism more satisfying to participants than other techniques When is it useful? ? ? ? ? When some group members are much more vocal than others. When there is concern about some members not participating. When all or some group members are new to the team. When some group members think better in silence.Source: http://asq. org/learn-about-quality/idea-creation-tools/overview/nominal-group. html When is it useful? ? ? ? ? When the group does not easily generate quantities of ideas. When the issue is controversial or there is heated conflict. When we want multiple alternatives for further examination When we want to prioritize the issues Source: http://asq. org/learn-about-quality/idea-creation-tools/overview/nominal-group. html Thank you for your attention! ?

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Evolution of Leadership Theory

IntroductionIn order to describe the evolution of leadership theory we must first define what we understand leadership to mean. An early or traditional definition of leadership may be, an interpersonal influence directed towards the achievement of a set goal or series of goals (Northhouse, 2004, p 2). In accordance with the evolution of leadership theory the definition of leadership by a modern frame of reference may be, a relationship dynamic in nature based on mutual influence between leaders and collaborators in which both reach higher levels of motivation and moral development as they strive to affect change (Freiberg and Freiberg, 1996, p 298). This essay will describe the evolution of leadership theory as it developed from being based on individual personal traits and behaviors to the modern theories that are based on dynamic models of situation and on transformation.Early Leadership theories: traits and behaviorsOhio State University developed a theory of leadership from a ser ies of studies that obtained data from questionnaires filled in by subordinates and another questionnaire filled in by managers that described the leadership traits and behaviors of their leaders (Fleishman, 1953, p 2). Two leadership styles were identified and hypothesized to be able to describe all leaders (Fleishman, 1953, p 2). The first leadership style was termed â€Å"initiating structure† (Fleishman, 1953, p 3. This leadership style described the leader who directs with transactional and task oriented style. This style of leadership has been described as great for routine and repetitive task, however on the negative side it has also been used to describe the micro-manager (Fleishman, 1953, p 4).Examples of how this leadership style may present in the workplace include the leader who lets work-unit members know what is expected of them; who schedules the work to be done; encourages the use of uniform work procedures; assigns work-unit members to particular tasks; plans tasks for work-unit members; makes his or her attitudes clear to the work unit; clarifies work roles and asks for results (Fleishman, 1953, p 4).The second leadership style identified by the Ohio State theory of leadership was termed â€Å"consideration† (Fleishman, 1953, p 5).   This leadership style described the leader who is people-oriented and participative, and transformational (Fleishman, 1953, p 5). Examples of how this leadership style may present in the workplace includes, the leader who treats all work-unit members as his or her equal; is friendly and approachable; does little things to make work pleasant; puts suggestions made by the work unit into operation; looks out for personal welfare of work unit members; encourages a supportive socio-emotional work atmosphere; maintains high morale in the work-unit and promotes a collaborative work atmosphere (Fleishman, 1953, p 5).Around the same time period The University of Michigan conducted similar studies to the Oh io State work (Katz, et al, 1950, p 23) based on questionnaire responses by leader's subordinates and also developed a two-leadership style theory (Katz, et al, 1950, p 43). The first leadership style was termed â€Å"production centered† (Katz, et al, 1950, p 44). Examples of how this leadership style may present in the workplace includes, the leader who places an emphasis on the technical or task aspects of the job; is concerned mainly with accomplishing group's goal and who regards group members as means to an end (Katz, et al, 1950, p 44).The second leadership style offered by the Michigan State University theory was termed â€Å"employee centered† (Katz, et al, 1950, p 46). Examples of how this leadership style may present itself in the workplace includes, the leader who places an emphasize interpersonal relations; who takes a personal interest in the needs of employees and who accepts individual differences among members of his / her team (Katz, et al, 1950, p 44 ). These earlier studies of leadership theories drew conclusions from research data that only looked at the single dimension of leadership being the observation of the leader's traits and behaviors. Although these studies provided valuable insight into which leadership traits and behaviors may have been associated with higher levels of productivity, the theories lack the depth of understanding that a dynamic model would bring which accounts for the interaction of the leader's subordinates and the workplace situation.Modern Leadership Theories: dynamic models of situational and transformational leadershipThe leadership theory termed situational theory is based on the amount of direction and socio-emotional support a leader should provide to a specific situation (Blanchard et al, 1999, p 59).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This theory developed by Hersey and Blanchard, recognizes four different leadership styles that are telling, selling, participating and delegating (Blanchard et al, 1999 p 60 ). The leader determines which style to use depending upon the specific task that is to be accomplished and the maturity level of the followers.The maturity of the followers was a termed coined to explain the willingness of the followers to take responsibility for directing their own behavior (Blanchard et al, 1999, 60). A combination of a demanding task with a low maturity level would require the leadership style of telling (Blanchard et al, 1999, p 60). The leadership style of selling would also suit a situation with a demanding task and low level of follower maturity while the leader is still responsible for the goal being achieved the followers are encouraged to participate (Blanchard et al, 1999, p 61). The leadership style of participating suits situations of a less demanding task and low-level maturity of the followers (Blanchard et al, 1999, p 61). Finally the leadership style of delegating is matched to a high level of follower maturity and therefore is suited to all levels of demand in terms of task (Blanchard et al, 1999, p 61).The transformational leadership theory recognizes the changing demands that an organization may face, like the situational leadership theory however it places its greatest emphasis on leadership behavior and traits (Northhouse, 2004, p 173). While this may seem like a return to the earlier more limited theories of leadership as developed in the mid 1900s via Ohio State and Michigan State Universities it is in fact seen as a very creative and flexible leadership theory (Northhouse, 2004, p 173).The transformational leader instills feelings of confidence, admiration and commitment in the followers. Such a leader inspires the followers to forgo their own interests for the good of the organization (Northhouse, 2004, p 178). Transformational leaders appeal to the moral and ideals of followers and inspire them to look at problems in new and creative ways (Northhouse, 2004, p 183). Studies have correlated the transformational leader ship theory in the workplace leads to lower staff turnover rates, higher productivity and higher employee satisfaction.In summary, the evolution of leadership theories has developed from the relatively static and one-dimensional views of the personality traits and behavior theories studied in the 1900s to the dynamic and flexible theories of situational and transformational leadership theories developed in the late 1900s.ReferencesBlanchard, K. H, Zigarmi, P. and Zigarmi, D. (1999), Leadership and the One Minute   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Manager, New York, Harper Collins.Fleishman, E.A. (1953). The description of supervisory behavior. Personnel Psychology,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   37, 1-6Katz, D., Maccoby, N. and Morse, N.C. (1950). Productivity, Supervision and Morale in   Ã‚  Ã‚   an Office Situation. Ann Arbor, Survey Research Center.Northhouse, P.G. (2004). Leadership: Theory and Practice. New York, Sage Publications.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


The Mediterranean empires have been influential powers for most of the recorded history of humanity. They have inspired awe, fear and wonder, they were the first targets of Orientalism as a cultural phenomenon. The East was a constant threat and a constant lure to European civilization, capturing both lands and minds until the beginning of the 20th century. However, all things must come to an end, and so, too, did the rule of the East, when the Ottoman Empire disbanded. Empires rose and fell before, however, each previous time, a new conglomerate of nations took the place of the demised one. After the Ottoman Empire, no Mediterranean successor rose to power; instead, Europe took the empire’s place as hegemon, both in political power and in the power of ideas – in quite the logical succession. To understand why this is logical, we must examine the reasons for which imperialism had been so strong in the Mediterranean and why it finally fell. It is certainly more than mere political reasons, since there has been a succession of various empires. This is obviously a tendency that runs deeper, within the various Mediterranean cultures themselves. Empires fall when they grow too large, become too hard to control from one administrative center, become stagnant. What forces a culture or a number of cultures to spawn empires again and again? The Mediterranean, despite all of its regional conflicts among itself, has always been a very united region. This unity is based upon an equality of the people – however, this equality was the equality of units, not of people. An individual in the Mediterranean has always been nothing next to the greater cause, subject to exploitation to the point of destruction. Life was always nothing much important in the Mediterranean – much more important was the concept prevailing at the time and service to it. We can already see this concept in Rome, where a man was only as valuable as he was to civil society.   Indeed, even religion was in service of the state, as Seneca noted: â€Å"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.† The situation, however, reached its apogee after the emergence of Islam in the region, and the uniting of all consecutive empires under its banner. Islam – which means â€Å"submission† – is perhaps the most deterministic religion in existence. Its dogma is that a human is less than nothing before the glory of Allah, limited by the very fact of being a mere creation, absolutely powerless. Allah is a god that promises heaven for the Muslims, however, the Qur’an explicitly states, that Allah doesn’t care how many humans are Muslim. If the people submit to His rule, they will live, if they do not – they will perish.   Islamic theology is, naturally, much more complex and interesting, yet subordination lies at its core, with a lack of it punishable by death. This concept of an uncaring ruler with an iron first is absolutely amazing for the building of a despotic empire, where humans are resources to be harvested at best and obstacles to be removed at worst. The later politics, based on religion, thus used this concept extensively. A human of the region was totally powerless before the government, a piece of material and statistics at once. A particularly demonstrative example of this policy is Mehmed II Fatih’s decree to officially kill all the brothers of a sultan who has just ascended to the throne. The treatment of humans as resources allowed for the character of all Eastern empires: with the bureaucratic class and the military being the most important classes, and the approach to power and life being purely utilitarian and power-oriented. Thus the question is: why did the people of the region comply with this for so long? Why did they tolerate such an approach? First of all, living as a tool of an Empire is not quite so bad as it may sound. A prospering empire takes care of its people, though in a strange fashion and to a limited extent. One does not destroy one’s resources – one cultivates them. In an empire where everything is based on power and strength, the proper management of resources can be crucial to success, and thus, to survival. Also, such an empire is quite comfortable to live in for a certain kind of people. Those of the region have always been warriors: and for a soldier of fortune, no better form of organization can exist. There are always plenty of opportunists in every region, enough people who are willing to advance their own perspectives at the expense of other’s lives. However, if in Europe there is often reason for misunderstanding: the cultural differences between countries are great, and the linguistic barrier, too, plays a role. In the Islamic world, there is one culture and one set of customs, which allows for operation within a single paradigm, giving greater room for both cooperation and treason. This united culture did much for the predatory nature of these great empires. The people who stimulated this culture ultimately regarded everyone who was not a participant in it as a weakling. However, after the twentieth century, the disposition changed. The Europeans proved their strength, and proved that a union of independent nations is quite capable of not only effective warfare, but of political control. This approach, considered previously weaker, had defeated the eastern empires approach, and defeated it with such flair that the people of the Mediterranean doubted for the first time that their way was the more effective one. Power is proved in the consequences, and the consequences showed that Europe was stronger by far, not only in the military sense, but in the spirit as well. Not the Europe which had to buy its way to freedom, but the Europe which was able to aid or destroy the current empire, and after destruction, capture it quickly enough in all senses, impose its culture and way of life. Europe proved that cooperation of individuals can do more than a mass of underlings, and that the cultivation of allies can do more than the growing of resources. Always ready to employ an effective tactic and learn from their enemies, the people which were once under the empires now attempt to work the way Europe has shown, as it seems more promising. However, between wars, Europe seems all too polite and complacent. Its culture is not one to cater to the heart of a warrior. It seems only a matter of time before someone in the East decides that Europe’s approach is ineffective and reverts to the traditional ways of doing politics in the Mediterranean. It is my opinion that what we are seeing is not a true transformation, but rather, a transitional moment between empires. Granted, it has lasted almost a hundred years. Nonetheless, the situation even now seems to point to the possibility of the renewal of a new, improved by Western techniques, empire. It is not the end of Mediterranean history, but the beginning of a new era in it. References 1. All Empires – An   Online Community for World History, viewed Friday, May 06, 2005 at 2.Islam Online, viewed Friday, May 06, 2005 at   

Saturday, September 14, 2019

City and Urbanization

Urbanization is a socio-economic process by which an increasing proportion of the population of an area becomes concentrated into the towns and cities. The term is also defined as the level of population concentration in urban areas. The proc ess of urbanization increases both the number and size of towns and cities. Urbanization is the most significant phenomenon of the 20th century which has almost affected all aspects of the national life in India. Being the second most populous country in the world after China India's fast growing urbaniza tion has a regional as well as world- ide impact.India's urban population constitutes a sizeable pro portion of the world's urban population. This can be well corroborated from the fact that every 12th city dweller of the world and every 7th of the developing countries is the Indian. India has as many small towns (population 20,000-49,999) as in the United States as many as medium towns (population 50,000 – 99,999) as in the former Sovie t Union; as many cities (population 100,000-499,999) as in the United States; and as many metropolises (population+500,OOO) as in Australia, France and Brazil combined.India has a long radition of urbanization which has continued since the days of the Indus Valley civilization. According to an estimate the percentage share of urban population to total popu lation was higher in the last part of the 17th century in comparison to the last part of the 19th century. The development of cottage industries and tertiary ac tivities during the medieval period helped in the evolution of about 3,200 towns and 120 cities in the country around 1586 A. D. (Raza, M, 1985, p. 60).The damage to this indigenous industrial structure during the colonialism gave a serious blow to the process of urbanization. The roots of the existing process of urbanization lie in Western model of factory industries which started developing in the country during the early part of the 20th century. Urbanization, in India, can be studied through Census data provided at a regular interval of 10 years since 1881 onwards. These data help us in analyzing the trends of growth in the urban popula tion, decennial increase, and urbanization and number towns during the 20th century.At the time of the reliable Census taken in 1881 the urban population contributed 9. 3 per cent of the total population of the country. The growth-trend was sluggish and even negative in some decades (1911-21) due to outbreak of epidemic (plague) and natural calamities, trend of slow growth in urbanization continued unto 1931. The decade 1931-41 observed about 32 cent growth in the urban population which increase' its share in total population to 14. 1 percent. The growth trend was further accelerated during the following decade which witnessed a decennial growth of 41. 2 per cent (Table 28. II) Raising the percentage share to 14. 1 . Here rehabilitation of refugees from Pakistan into cities played a significant role. During 1951-6 1 the growth trend as slowed down (26. 4 per cent) which contributed marginal increase (percent) in the urbanization ratio. It was due to change in the definition of urban places and declassification of 803 towns in 1961 Census. Since 1961 onward there has been steep rise in the urban population and urbanization ratio so as to reach its highest point during 1971-81 (decadal growth being 46. 2 percent and addition of record number of 900 new towns). This was the peak point in the urban growth of the country during the 20th century. The trend ot growth nas been slightly slowed down during 1981-91 (39. 32 per cent) and 1991-2001 (31. 8 per cent) which is a matter of serious study by urban geographers and urban sociologists. Causes may be many folds including increasing pollution, decreasing opportunities of employment and liveli hood in urban areas and development of new sources of livelihood in rural areas to reduce the flow of rural migrants.Above description leads us to conclude tha t during the last 90 years of the 20th century the number of towns has increased by 144. 6 per cent? urban population by 140,23 per cent, and urbaniza tion ratio by 133,6 per cent. Industrialization con comitant with economic development and rural o urban migration has made significant contribution towards this phenomenal growth. But compared with developed countries this rate of urbanisation is still slower. Wulker has rightly observed that while in Western countries urbanization is expanding towards rural areas but in India rural life is influencing the urban areas.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Resource Planning - Essay Example Although the concepts and intricate details discussed under Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) and Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) are equally crucial in ensuring that the operations of an organization are managed at the most cost efficient manner, the last three concepts identified in the chapter were deemed more challenging because these software programs solicit relevant data and information that affect an organization’s operations both from internal and external sources. ERP, for instance, was revealed to organize and manage the organization’s processes through the sharing of relevant and crucial information across functional areas (Russell and Taylor, 2009, 668). CRM, on the other hand, is an application of ERP that focuses on customer interaction thereby require expertise and professionalism in managing clientele. This is most challenging because when customers are taken into consideration, there is a need to closely evaluate the profile of the organizatio n’s clients including needs, purchase behavior, buying capacities, among others. There is no exact and constant customer profile as this element changes over time depending on other external factors in the environment that influence it (including the economic status, competition, the 4Ps).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Russian Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Russian Revolution - Essay Example Why did the revolution occur and what was the result? This is what this paper is going to focus on. The kind of revolution envisaged by Marx and Engels was to be as a result of workers consciousness or bourgeois intelligentsia. In many countries workers started forming trade unions to fight against employers and the government so as to pass labor legislations that improve their conditions. However, for Beeler and Clark the Russian revolution was â€Å"a natural and inevitable outcome of development of ideas among revolutionary socialist intelligentsia.†1 For them, socialist movements such as the trade unions are not enough to get the kind of social democracy needed otherwise the proletariats attempts would fail just like the first revolution that removed tsar from office did not work. The mistake that socialists such as Alexander Kensky made after seizing power in Russia was failure to confiscate large landholdings and give it to peasants who had fought hard to free themselves from exploitation.2 These leaders were not intelligent enough to lead a revolution like Lenin. In other words, Beeler and Clark would say they lacked revolutionary professionalism thus not revolutionary social democrats. ... The food shortage experienced in 1917 due to the war led to violent street demonstrations and an unplanned uprising occurred and in March 12, 1917 the Duma took over leadership and declared a provisional government.3 This government emphasized equality before the law, freedom of religion, speech and assembly as well as the rights of unions to organize and strike but it shared power with Petrograd soviet of workers and soldiers leading to a state of anarchy.4 The government was also unable to remove Russia from the war thus giving an opportunity to Lenin to wage his campaigns and attract huge masses of people. The provisional government rule was not successful since the leaders lacked leadership skills. For a revolution to be successful it has to be led by professional revolutionaries and not trade unionists or socialist intellectuals. It needs radical revolutionary leaders like Lenin and Trotsky who are always preoccupied with social democratic activities. Lenin called for â€Å"dis ciplined workers who are controlled by small, dedicated elite of intellectual and professional revolutionaries† as opposed to masses.5 The group was referred as Bolsheviks and though they failed in their first attempt to seize power from the provisional government, the army skills of Trotsky and support of soldiers and workers tired of the war made the second attempt to be successful. The Bolshevik majority declared all power for the soviets and Lenin as head of government thus displacing the provisional government.6 However, to end the war he had to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litorsk thus ceding Russian territories to central powers. Civil war ensued thereafter but the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personeal Development Planning (PDP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Personeal Development Planning (PDP) - Essay Example Moreover I have also observed how they analyse a candidate during the interpersonal process and at the same time make them feel comfortable. Although the feedback that I received from my peers was largely positive, my supervisors have clearly pointed out certain inherent drawbacks that I have. However, through extensive reading I have learnt a lot about effective interviewing and I have also applied the knowledge so gathered during mock-interviews that I had arranged with the cooperation of my colleagues. During the process I have realised that my technical acumen has to be honed and currently I am working on this area. On a whole the feedback from my peers has been good and they have encouraged my efforts. I have come to a decision that I will continue to read more in order to analyse the behavioral aspects of the interviewing process so that I can get rid of the personal biases that my supervisors have pointed out in me. I am hopeful that the successful manifestation of my short-te rm as well as long-term objectives will help me perform even better as an interviewer. 3. Mail from the peers – (2.3) – They appreciated my ability of active participation, multitasking & managing mails from co-workers – (2.4) – Congratulated me after the team won the lawn tennis match. One needs to have good time management skill in order to be successful in life. Hence I decided to improve my time management skill as far as possible. I feel all my efforts assisted me to overcome the habit of mealtime management. Now I can plan my schedule as per the priority order which I feel has helped me to implement my plan effectively. My on-job trainings taught me how to finish ones work in a more organised manner. With time I realised that time management is a combination of both art and science. One need to be logical while segregating the time into different activities. From my early college days my study pressure made me forego cultural programs of any kind;